Children's Ministry
Ages 4 years - 6th Grade
About our Children's Ministry:
The Children's Ministry at Jemison First Baptist Church serves children 4 years through 6th grade. Our goal is to make church safe and giving children an opportunity to discover themselves, feeling they are accepted and loved. We want to guide children to a knowledge and understanding of who Jesus is, to lead them toward a relationship with God and to learn how to live for Jesus in their everyday lives outside of church. First Baptist offers several opportunities for children to learn about Jesus while developing relationships with other children. We believe that every aspect of our ministry is important.
Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.: Sunday School guides children toward a relationship with God through solid Bible teaching and application activities of each lesson.
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Music and Missions (M&M) Wednesdays - 6:30 p.m.
Music Makers - Choir for preschool through 6th grade. Music Makers model, teach and provide opportunities for children to express their love for God in music but also gives children the opportunity to lead in worship during the school year. Music Makers are made of two choirs 4 years through 3rd grade and grades 4-6.
Mission Friends - Ages 3-5 missions for preschool children. Mission Friends not only learn about missionaries but also minister and reach out to people in our church, especially Senior Adults.
Some of our yearly activities include:
- Monthly Birthday Parties
- Spring Eggstravaganza
- Vacation Bible School
- Back to School Bash
- Christmas Parties
- R.A., G.A. and Mission Friends events
If you have questions about the children's programs at First Baptist, please contact:
Jerome Key, Minister of Music and Education at jeromekey@jemisonfirstbaptist.com or 205-688-4446.
Loving God * Serving Others * United By Faith
Jemison First Baptist Church | 24348 US Hwy 31 PO Box 760 | Jemison, AL 35085 | PH: 205-688-4446